Friday 4 October 2024

Hiii .. The date today is 5 Oktober 2024. 
i end up with two kids already . miahahaha. 

Nampak begitu lamaa ya tidak update blog ini. 
sekarang kita bukan lagi di zaman blogger. 
Now we have a lot, likee a lot of other social media apps . 

Nowadays kita dah ada Tiktok, Facebook, Intagram.. 
Oh ya, Facebook masih ada dan still releven ya. 

X..(twitter).. Threads .. dan banyak lagi. 

Hidup dilalui seperti biasa. 
Of course , people come and go. 
but never did i please people to come and stay, or ask people to go. 

and for those who stay, thank you. 

Friday 10 August 2018


Hai semua!
Beberapa hari lepas, diberi kesempatan untuk tengok filem Pulang by Kabir Bhatia. Sebenarnya sis ni memang jarang tengok movie kecuali bila movie tu ada bagi perasaan yang ticklish untuk tengok baru sis tengok.

Apa benda yang Pulang tu bagi sis rasa ticklish untuk menengoknya?

First, cinematografi dan grafik.
Jarang filem Malaysia nak guna grafik ni. Dan filem Pulang ni katanya menggunakan 70% grafik dari keseluruhan movie. Masa dengar ni memang confirm nak pi tengok no matter what. Nak tengok jugak lah grafik filem ni macam mana? Adakah setaraf takat grafik filem legenda-legenda petang Indonesia di TV3 tu.. Atau memang boleh dibanggakan?

Second, jalan cerita dan trailer.
Melalui jalan cerita atau sinopsis sesebuah filem tu, kita dah boleh nampak macam mana berseninya filem tu. So sinopsis cerita ni memang menarik gila. Sinopsisnya bukanlah macam sinopsis novel biasa-biasa.. Syed Zafran seorang yang panas baran, Tetapi saat dia bertemu Misha dia mula berubah. Pada suatu hari, .. bla bla bla.. Its not as cliche as that.

Third, dari review kawan-kawan yang lain.
Ada yang kata sampai mengalir airmata. Sampai nangis tak benti. (Ni macam over lah plak nangis tak benti) Tapi rate dorang bagi semua rata-rata 8/10-9/10 which sis rasa ok what for Malay filem.

So atas sebab-sebab tu sis pergilah ke Encorp Strand Mall dan menonton filem Pulang.

Setelah cerita itu tamat, maka untuk support filem local dan support industri filem kita, sis buat review sikit InsyaAllah tak ada spoiler disini.

Cinematography dan grafik dia best sangat! Pemandangan kat pantai kat teluk tu memang sumpah lawa gila dalam filem tu. Which make me really excited.. Warna air laut pantai .. semua blend cantik gila! Apalagi bersulamkan dengan pelakon kacak macam Remy Ishak. Aduii Makin berbunga hati semua orang. >.<

Grafik dia pun ada yang memang sis tak perasan pun mereka gunakan grafik! Bila sis tengok di sebalik tabir baru sis tau itu rupanya grafik! So memang sis cakap kat sini grafik dia punya level memang jauh meninggalkan grafik cerita legenda2 petang Indonesia kat TV3 tu. Memang tabik spring!

Jalan cerita dia jangan cakaplah. Superb habis! Biasanya tengok cerita sebelum ni, memang ada jalan cerita yang biasa. dari pengenalan, konflik, klimaks, dan penyelesaian Tapi filem Pulang ni is a big different! Pandai betul Kabir Bhatia pi pusing-pusing plot sampai orang tak dapat nak agak langsung apa yang jadi sebenarnya. Sampai orang tak dapat agak alngsung Othman ni Pulang ke tak sebenarnya. Tapi pusing-pusing macam mana sekalipun, sesiapa yang menontonnya memang tak akan pening. Sebab hatta Kabir Bhatia pusing plot, banyak kali flashback, kjap depan kejap belakang... 9tapi sumpah,,, semuanya smooth je.. Tak ada pun nak tanya orang sebelah, eh kenapa jadi macam ni plak.. sejak bila dia macam ni? Tak ada!

Yang tak sangkanya, dalam Pulang ni ada jugak tau diselitkan pasal sejarah masa Jepun serang Malaya. Babak mayat masa tu real weh. Masa tu Otman dan Lum ni, bersembunyi di sebalik timbunan mayat-mayat yang dah dibunuh.. Mayat tu memang nampak real weyhhhhhh. Pastu ekspresi dorang yang menunjukkkan tempat tu berbau gila pun sumpah real. Sampai aku pun tutup hidung. Padahal tak bau apapun. lol.

Oh cakap pasal si Lum ni.. Lum ni berbangsa Cina. Lum ni bawa watak yang refreshing dalam filem Pulang. Korang tahu tak watak yang refreshing ni sangat penting dalam sesuatu filem ataupun cerita. Memanglah kita nak stress dalam cerita tu  sampai kat penonton. Tapi at the same time kita tak nak stress tu menjadikan penonton muak. Jadi watak Lum ni seorang yang berseloroh. Seloroh yang lawak gila. Bukan lawak hambar tau! Sampai kitorang pun gelak mengikih. Sebab takkan lah nak buat bising kat pawagam kan??

Lastly, nak komen pasal pelakon. Semuanya mantap weyhhh. Semuanya menjiwai sangat watak yang dipegang. Dan ketara sangat perbezaan generasi antara pelakon-pelakon yang cuba ditunjukkan oleh Kabir Bhatia. Nampak sangat perbezaan zaman tu supaya orang senang nak faham.

Last but not least, pergilah tengok. Sumpah tak rugi. Lepas tengok, buatlah review even ayat seketul je untuk trigger orang lain tengok. Support ye gais!

Friday 3 August 2018

JANGAN BENCI CINTAKU from my point of view.

Lamanya tak jumpa kat blog ni kan? Almost totally forgot about the existence of this blog.
Well, life changes and now im not so melo like before this.
Much more stronger. And much more realistic. Taklah asyik tenggelam dalam emosi.
Thanks to my fiance yang sama-sama berusaha untuk turn myself to be a better one.

Eh? Fiance?
Yes. I got engaged like two months ago. But, lets drop the case sebab.. Ummm biarlah kita cerita nanti bila dah kahwin. Dah officially dialah jodoh yang sesungguhnya,

Jangan Benci cintaku nak habis dah!
Minggu depan minggu terakhir and... rasa why so cepat nak habis??!

Sekarang ni dah episode 26 which Rafeeqa is on her way to get divorce with Shah. Babak mula-mula masa Shah jahat dengan Rafeeqa tu, memang rasa sedih sangat. And rasa nak ketuk kepala Shah tu guna senduk paling besar kat dapur tu.

Bila tengok watak Husna lagi. Ya Ampun rasa nak hempuk kepala dia di dinding. Tapi adalah sampai satu point di mana di babak-babak yang berikut bakal disebut, persepsi pada Husna, Fika and the rest berubah terus.

First, bila Husna menangis di kampung masa mak dia sakit. Masa tu dia fikir sebenarnya dia orang yang tak ada apa-apapun. Tapi bila Shah datang dalam hidup dia, semuanya dah berubah. Dia macam makin senang and bahagia. And Shah dah janji dia macam-macam. Gais, bila kita dijanji macam-macam lagi-lagi masa tu kita rasa yang bini kepada lelaki tersebut memang macam tak nak dekat suami sendiri, kita pun on je lah kan ? Dari babak ni, memang aku terus tak salahkan Husna. Yang salah adalah Shah. Kenapa dia nak janji macam-macam sedangkan dia actually sayang Fika ? But now in episode 26  he play victim. Ahhh... Stress.

Lepas tu dalam episode 25b muncul watak Syazwi yang tetiba suka Fika. You know, why lah Syazwi soooo sweeettttt.. Now memang aku tak nak dah Fika and Shah get back together. Nak Fika dengan Syazwi.

Tapi masa ni lah jugak Husna nak break dengan Shah. And masa ni lah jugak Fika sakit perut and maybe pregnant. Ahhhhh.... No..  I dont want Fika get back together with Shah. No .. please no...

Tak apa.. kita tunggu episode minggu depan macam mana. Sabar....

Saturday 11 November 2017


It such a long long time we didn't meet here, right? 

I'm doing well. Pretty well I guess. 
I even wrote a short story and it was published! Well, on the few years back, I always tell you to wait until I manage to finish my story. But it always end up with,  AH-HA, I'm sorry i already delete the story and start a new one. And I keep you waiting again and again .

But now, 
In 2017, I manage to publish my very first short story!
Its a Science Fiction and Fantasy genre which I guess not many of you will get interested to this kind of story. 
But, no harm to give a try right?? 

So, taraaa ~

Okay, so what is ANTOLOGI CERPEN SAINS FIKSYEN & FANTASI all about? 
Inside of this book, there are 25 short stories wrote by 25 writers from Malaysia and also Singapore. 
Aitrees, one of the short stories wrote by me, was choose to be the tittle of the book since it started with 'A'. So the sequences is nothing to do with the most or least interesting story. (Seriously, the stories inside of the book are all interesting!) They were arranged by the first alphabet of the tittle. 

Next, what is Aitrees all about? 
Basically its about trees. And Aitrees is the name of the only tree that left on the earth. How can Aitrees be the only tree that left on the earth? What happen to the other trees? To answer that question, you need to read it by yourself!

So, there's an organisation that I named it as M.A.R.T.A (I couldnt find any better name than this. So I just grab the name from Ejen Ali cartoon) So this M.A.R.T.A work to protect the Aitrees. Protect from what? Why its need to be protected? Jeng Jeng Jeng. You need to read it! Hee

Actually I got the idea to write about trees because I worked in Taman Botani Shah Alam during my internship. So, I work with trees, herbs, flowers and all about the nature lah. Then I realized how important are trees for us to keep living. Then, I saw an advertisement from JS Adiwarna calling anyone who are interested to send a Science Fiction and Fantasy short stories to be compile as a book. So that was I thought I need to make a story about a tree! 

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Minister in a hurry, Tok Nan.

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ 

الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ 
الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيم 
مَالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ 
إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ 
اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ 
صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ غَيْرِ الْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا الضَّالِّينَ

Deepest condolences to the bereaved family. 

Yesterday, people start to post statues on Facebook hoping that the rumors spread by Netizen is incorrect information. This shows that Malaysian especially Sarawakian is not ready yet to lose this guy which they strongly believe will make Sarawak better. 

During an interview with Bernama when he wins Sarawak state election, he said that he was very sick three years ago at the National Heart Institute in Kuala Lumpur. That was the time that he thought that he was going. But Allah give him a little more time to continue his life and even win the Sarawak state election on 2015. He knew that he was in poor health and he must hurry in making Sarawak better and fight for people. 

Thats how Tok Nan sacrificed himself for the sake of Sarawak State and the people. 

Who is actually this Tok Nan? 
Tok Nan's full name was Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Datuk Amar Haji Adenan bin Satem. He was the fifth Chief Minister of Sarawak and officially took the oath at Astana on 28 February 2014. As a chief minister, he clashed with federal government from time to time despite his party being part of the ruling federal coalition. He spoke openly about strengthening Sarawak's autonomy and called for higher state's share of petroleum royalty, much to the consternation of Putrajaya and the national oil company Petronas. Among other issues he disagreed with the federal government included official recognition for Chinese education certificate.

He always remind Sarawakian to be firm about their right. 
He insisted to build that so called Pan Borneo Highway of Sarawak taht will expand Sarawak's economy and raise living standard. 
Personally, Im really happy when media announce that Sarawak will have their highway that will connect every town in a quicker time. Only Sarawakian knows how hard it is to have a journey all around Sarawak, Itr will take one day and one night to travel from en to end of Sarawak. Its very tiring!

Same goes to oil and gas. Eventhough Sarawak have a share. he reminded that Sarawak could have a better share. He questioned the Petroleum Act and Petroleum Development Act. This is part of the on going negotition that made by Tok Nan.

It will take a little time because the issues are complicated. Now that Tok Nan gone, i am so worried what will happen to Sarawak next. 

Anyway, Thank You Tok Nan. T_T

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Congratulation Faiz Subri!

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone. 

Yes, this blog have been neglected for a very long time due to lack of idea and had no topic to write. Its not that i don't even open this website try to post anything. 
I do try to write something but end up only with a draft. 

I am not an expert to write in English but I make this blog as my medium to practice. Well, practice make perfect.

This recent weeks, i learn how to actively blogging and how to find idea to write a post. Then, one of the articles that i have read said that as a blogger we need to alert with any recent issues. Write any thoughts or any views on that issue. 

Posting about recent issues not only gives you an idea on what to write. But it is also increase your blog traffic. 

So, here I am, write up about Faiz Subri. 
The first Malaysian footballer that awarded the PUSKAS FIFA AWARD. 

So, who is actually this Faiz Subri? 
He is a footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder for Penang FA. Honestly, I never heard his name before, since i never interested in any sports especially football game. But he is getting well known for his free kick goal which is 'physics defying flight'. His video became viral with over 2 million viewers and his name have been mentioned by almost all Malaysian social media users. He is a married guy to Norzawanis Hashim which is also 29 years old and blessed with two children, Akif Fayyadh and Muhammad Aqil Zayyan. Even his wif, 

Faiz Subri shows his interest in football since he was eight and used to play football among the paddy fields in his village. His dream was half fulfilled when he was selected to represent Kedah in President Cup at the age of 18. He then switched to play for a Perlis club side and represented Perlis in Piala Emas Raja-Raja 2009 before he moved to play with Perlis in early 2010. Then he signed one year contract with T-Team in 2012 season. 

A year after that, he left T-Team and signed a contract with Malaysia Super League top club where he score one goal against Vietnamese football club in the AFC Cup group stage match. A year later he joined Terengganu FA and in 2015 he moved again to Penang FA. He helped Penang to earn second place in 2015 Malaysia Premier League, and the team promoted to the 2016 Malaysian Super League. 

So in this Malaysian Super League , Faiz Subri scored an incredible free kick that went viral on social media and nominated the international award for the best goal of the year, Fifa Puskas Award. 

But, sadly Malaysian  is still Malaysian. Not even consider that everyone cannot be perfect on every side. Instead of being proud, some of Malaysian making fun of how bad his English that he use on his speech. Never cross in my mind to criticized him. Why? Because i think his wins and achievements do the talking. His glory is worth more than any English we know that he doesn't know. We did nothing to make the nation proud but this guy is now a world icon by his ability. 

So i think this is enough for today. 
For the next post, ill write about an earthquake that happen yesterday aroung 2pm Malaysia's time. 

p/s : any incorrect fact regarding Faiz Subri or serious grammar mistakes in this post, please kindly email Ill correct them as soon as possible. 

Sunday 4 December 2016

109 patah kata.

Jujurkah aku dengan hati?
Satu cara aku menilai diri aku jujur dengan hati ataupun tidak adalah melalui penulisan.

Kadang-kadang cemburu, dan terlalu cemburu pada orang-orang yang senang sahaja melemparkan rasa amarah, rasa takut, rasa cinta, rasa benci dan jutaan jenis rasa lagi. 

Ya, mereka bebas. 

Bila pandang diri sendiri, amatlah takut untuk meluahkan apa yang dirasakan sebenar-benarnya  oleh hati. Kalau dituliskan untuk bacaan umum, takut akan jadi kontroversi. Takut ada yang tersakit hati, Atau takut terkena pada orang yang tak sepatutnya.

Kalau ditulis dalam diari,
takut satu hari nanti,
bila dah dewasa,
belek muka surat terdahulu,
lalu mengeji diri sendiri. 

Semua tertahan-tahan. tidak bebas seperti yang lainnya. Takut-takut.